Material wealth has truly changed shapes in the recent past: even in our parents’ time, land and the concrete stable property was the way to go, and paychecks used to arrive as themselves, pieces of paper with a number and a signature.
The present, however, is a different story altogether. Everything is virtual and almost all of your assets can be liquidated very easily. No matter the encryption, things are very easily hacked or stolen.
And thanks to the paperwork too, being largely virtual, an even concrete stable property can be hacked out of your possession. And as the saying goes, the viruses evolve with the drugs used to kill them; thieves learn hard and fast too.
So, here are seven things you should never talk with others at all if you want a happy life with yourself and your loved ones.
1. Your property
Houses have always been a huge sign of wealth, and you know what attracts wealth like a corpse attracts flies? Thieves and other people who want to own what is yours.
It is always wise to invest in property and real estate and other stable forms of assets like gold biscuits. But, what you must be careful about are prying, jealous eyes of people who want to take it all away. It is just wiser to never discuss it with people/in public unless you absolutely must.
2. Your salary
Whoever you are, there is someone who has some relative who earns more than you do. And they will make sure to point it out to you in every conversation you have with them, no matter how informal.
Also, you have real thieves and thieves of the dark web to worry about.
3. Family issues
Sharing issues from your broken home are one of the many things that attract the wrong kind of attention. And moreover, sharing these with the wrong kind of people is the kind of stuff that makes up for further causes of depression, because those people and you yourself will dwell on these things.
What is better is you sharing conversations about the sweeter escapes in life.
4. Your religious and political views
You never know who you might offend, given the socio-political climate that we live in today. Religion and politics have been two of the biggest war-causing phenomena in the history of the world; you might not want to add fuel to the fire.
5. Others’ secrets
Exposing someone’s secrets who trusted you with them breaks an organic bond signed between two individuals. The bad juju from that haunts people for generations.
6. What you give away
In charity, that is. This is because there will always be people who think it is them who deserve your charity more than the ones who receive it. That jealousy is prone to make people do awful things.
And we wouldn’t want to have any part in it.
7. Plans for your future
Again, jealousy can make people sabotage those plans and ruin all you work for.
Be nice, but never too nice. And keep your mouth zipped when it comes to money especially.