Since we know that no two people are exactly alike, it is natural that no two relationships could be the same as well. What works for one couple might not for another. However, there are certain things which are mutual for all happy couples and can lead to a successful relationship.
These 10 reasons every couple should follow to have a successful relationship:
1. Realistic Expectations
Although this goes against the popular notions of love, you don’t fall in love with someone when you are being ruled by your hormones and emotions. You fall in love when you are perfectly in your senses and know the qualities and limitations of your partner. Having expectations which are realistic ensure that there are no nasty surprises later.
2. Honesty
Talking, no matter how uncomfortable it might get. There should be enough trust on both sides that they can open up to the other, even if it means exposing yourself to criticism. Unless you can be vulnerable to your partner, you can’t solve your problems.
3. Space
In happy relationships, there are no doubts and insecurities about giving the other person their space. Just because your partner has different hobbies and a different set of friends doesn’t mean they will leave you for them.
4. Mutual Respect
Love is what starts a relationship; respect is what holds it together. There will always be disagreements and fights, and unless both the partners respect each other, the relationship will never be able to overcome these fights, getting weaker with each one.
5. Right Reasons
Happy relationships are the ones which started for all the right reasons. Not because one or both the partners were lonely or wanted to show up at the holidays with someone. When two individuals have found happiness being on their own, only then can they contribute to mutual satisfaction?
6. Individuals
Relationships are about one couple, but, at the end of the day, BOTH are two, whole individuals. And these individuals have their own talents, hobbies, and life. There should be a happy balance between the individual and the partner, and neither should try to manipulate or change the other.
7. Fighting
Every couple fights, but a healthy relationship is one where they can fight without inflicting permanent damage. These are the couples who fight or solving their differences and not to prove themselves right.
8. Forgiving
And they know how to move on from the fight. Once everything is over, it is done and dusted for good and nobody brings it up unnecessarily. Also, they know which fights are worth it and which ones are not.
9. Happy Sex Life
Couples who have a healthy sex life are definitely happier because sex is an essential part of our life and not just some initial craze.
10. Change
The two partners know that each of them will change with time and they won’t give each other a hard time about it. They are there for each other through every high and low.