Here is a list to find out what your birthday color says:
23 Dec.- 1st Jan = Red
2nd Jan- 11th Jan = Orange
12th Jan- 24th Jan = Yellow
25th Jan- 3rd Feb = Pink
4th Feb- 8th Feb = Blue
9th Feb- 18th Feb = Green
19th Feb- 29th Feb = Brown
1st Mar- 10th Mar = Aqua
11th Mar- 20th Mar = Lime
21st Mar = Black
22nd Mar- 31st Mar = Purple
1st Apr- 10th Apr = Navy
11th Apr- 20th Apr = Silver
21st Apr- 30th Apr = White
1st May- 14th May = Blue
15th May- 24th May = Gold
25th May- 3rd June = Cream
4th June- 13th June = Grey
14th June- 23rd June = Maroon
24th June = Grey
25th June- 4th July = Red
5th July- 14th July = Orange
15th July- 25th July = Yellow
26th July- 4th Aug = Pink
5th Aug- 13th Aug = Blue
14th Aug- 23rd Aug = Green
24th Aug- 2nd Sept = Brown
3rd Sept- 12th Sept = Aqua
13th Sept- 22nd Sept = Lime
23rd Sept = Olive
24th Sept- 3rd Oct = Purple
4th Oct- 13th Oct = Navy
14th Oct- 23rd Oct = Silver
24th Oct- 11th Nov = White
12th Nov- 21st Nov = Gold
22nd Nov- 1st Dec = Cream
2nd Dec- 11th Dec = Grey
12th Dec- 21st Dec = Maroon
22nd Dec = Teal
A bubbly, adorable personality who loves to love and be loved. Although sometimes moody, you are fun to hang out with.
You are outgoing and competitive and hate to lose. You are careful to fall in love, but when you do it’s long-term.
You have leadership traits and are very cautious while taking decisions. You also have sophisticated taste in partners and pay attention to appearances.
Funny, pretty and exuberant, you are very open with your feelings. You, however, tend to be a bit selfish and want all the attention to you.
You are well-liked by others and make friends easily. Although you enjoy the attention from your lover, you are the kind who will wait for the right one to come along.
You will have difficulty in finding the one but once you do it will be great. Fun-loving and calm, you are aware of right and wrong.
You have a fairy tale like expectations from romantic love. You are hardworking and helpful but are sometimes not happy with yourself.
A romantic at heart, you are extremely positive and lively. Trustworthy, you are capable of making the right choices.
Smart and determined, you like things to work your way which sometimes ends up hurting others. However being calm and mature, you are good at relationships since you take your time with the one you love.
You face problems in trusting others, however when you do it becomes a bond for life. You work hard to achieve your goals and treat others well.
You are a mysterious person, who is sought after by all friends and is entertaining. You also enjoy knowing new things. However, you are forgetful.
Calm-headed but you feel stressed easily. Also, you often get jealous and whine about things.
You are interested in new and fun things. You are also quite creative and imaginative but your love life is troublesome.
You are courageous but not fond of changes in your life.
You are kind and lovely and do not support conflicts.
You fall in love quite easily but can let go of things that don’t work out. Very energetic and charming, but others shy away from you.
You love your mind and are an introvert with confidence issues.
You experience every emotion very intensely. You are charming and zestful.
You are respected by others but get jealous often. You are not only a dreamer but a doer too.
You are very fluid with your feelings. You trust too easily, love too easily, and end up getting hurt.