We all know that spending time in nature is good for you. Almost everyone who has escaped from the big city for a day trip or a weekend, can reassure you that they start feeling fresher, healthier.
What we don’t actually know is why does this happen. Now, a new paper was written to shed light to that question.
Although modern medicine and clean water through plumbing have had a great effect on our quality of life, doubling up our life span, it is also true that modern lifestyle has negative effects on our health.
Studies have shown that there is significant difference between life on the countryside and life in the city, affecting health issues that can range from depression to cancer.
Ming Kuo from the University of Illinois starting researching this issue, and her conclusion so far goes like this. What really makes a difference when living in the countryside is the functioning of the immune system.
Fresh air and sunlight make the body relax and go out of the constant fight-or-flight mode of fuctioning that it has to endure when living in the unfriendly environment of a big city.
Kuo’ s research also goes up to proposing ways to bring this quality of life in the urban environment. Even an urban park or a community garden can go a long way to help the body relax and therefore build up its immune system.
Just use up a free afternoon reading a book in the park nearby your house, and your body will thank you for that!
By Jonah Winter, Truth Inside Of You