Stay away from people who are trying to underestimate your ambitions. Small people do this, but the really great ones make you feel like you can become great too. Some call them toxic, some others suffice in the phrase fake nice people. I do not know what the proper characterization is. I do not know how much sense is needed to locate them in the crowd and how much power you need to persecute them.
All I can say to you with absolute honesty and certainty is that you have to do them aside. Putting them on the sidelines to be able to breathe, sooner or later they will “bite”. Sooner or later will “poison you” and then you will not be able to accept the blow that will immobilize you and make you emotionally disabled.
To make friendships and relationships in the hope to be eternal, this is your need. People are difficult cases, we ourselves are complicated. So how do you choose correctly? So how do you know what’s right?
Instructions for Use on Human Relations? Who should bear the burden of a wrong advice? Only you know who are those who delay you, those who have been watching you slowly and steadily, allied with the time.
Open your eyes and think with your mind, give your heart a little off. Think about it. Just do it. Put your mind to think. How to recognize them? Yes, some of them love you. Very. You feel like you loved them forever. But those? Do they love you or love you?
Life and emotions are not spare, but should you think about yourself? Do you have to look for the love that makes you laugh, instead of making you laugh?