Choice. Every day we make a choice to either be grateful and happy, or we choose to see the bad in everything and be miserable. No matter what may come our way, we choose how to react and how we allow it to effect us. It’s okay to be sad and unhappy sometimes, but it’s not okay when it becomes a habit.
This state of mind unfortunately does becomes a habit if we allow it. Many times, unhappy people are stuck in that way of life, thriving on the pity and sympathy of others.
When someone is unhappy or just plain miserable it’s pretty hard for them to see the good around them or even see that they are in this negative cycle caused by only themselves.
Instead, they blame, complain and moan at every chance they get.
They are the victim
In every story an unhappy person tells, they are the victim. To them, their lives are too hard to tolerate or control, and that’s everyone else’s fault. They will never accept responsibility for their actions. Feeling helpless doesn’t make things better and subconsciously, unhappy people start to thrive on others pity and sympathy.
They love to complain
Unhappy people love to moan about how terrible their lives are. In fact, almost all they ever do is complain. All Unhappy people focus on are their problems and the negatives in their lives rather than seeing the good or finding a solution to what they are complaining about.
They Fear criticism
Worrying about what others think is a huge habit of unhappy people. While many of us are concerned, to some degree, about what people think, the unhappy person takes it a step further and goes to any length to shut down critics and they refuse to accept any form of criticism.
They love to gossip
Unhappy people are unsatisfied with their own lives, so the focus on others’ lives and try find fault in them. Saying negative things about others makes the unhappy person feel a false sense of betterment. Happy people don’t have time to talk about other people’s lives and downfalls, they are far too focused on the good in their own.
They love drama
Whenever there’s drama, rest assured the unhappy person will be there. They want to be a part of it so that they can ensure the drama continues. They like to add fuel to the fire, exaggerate situations to make things worse and then compare others drama to their own miserable lives so that others can be stuck in an unhappy state of mind with them.
They struggle to trust
Even the most introverted people need friends, we need people to love and to love us. That’s what life is all about! Love! But unhappy people struggle to form bonds and maintain friendships because they fear being hurt, they don’t like when people won’t feel sorry for them or when they disagree with their negative points of view. When friends and loved ones try show them that life isn’t so bad, they see it as a betrayal and think nobody understands. This means they end up lonely and even more miserable, thinking the world is out to get them.
If you’ve found yourself in an unhappy cycle, watch this video!
Source: Video Source, Featured Image
The movie will be my dream today….
TY <3
Good read x
Good read x
Heidi Marie any one come to mind?
I have always said that you are the product of your own decisions
Eva Brocken ben jij dit niet op die foto
Hahaha ja dat ben ik, beetje sad dat het zo’n artikel is
Richard Brocken leuk artikel weer hoor
Hahahahaha Eva Brocken jij hebt echt altijd geluk met die artikels
Ja dat zeg ik
hahah wel een beetje ja
Good info. Dyer-like.
Very good article! Extremely interesting!
These all play a factor, however I believe focus and hope play a huge role in happiness.
If you limit how much you focus on the bad and relentlessly focus on the good it will be
harder for you to lose hope, and others will be drawn to your positive
nature. Good things tend to come to those who focus on the good, and
bad to those who only see the bad.
Hope. If one has hope for a better life they tend to be happier. If one believes there is a chance, a possibility, even the remotest unlikely probability, that they can cling to, it can offer a light at the end of the tunnel. When there is no hope and only despair, then all else becomes insignificant. When there is no hope, life can become unlivable and people start to consider how to end their hopeless existence. I have found hope is huge. Even in the darkest parts of wars, catastrophes, dismal work, unloving relationships, if someone can focus on that small chance of a better life in the future, can envision being in a better place and thinks there is a way to get there, then a person can be happier. This is why even a smile to someone having a bad day, even a small act of kindness to someone who is struggling to find hope has huge significance. That small act of kindness demonstrates that their hope is not in vain, that good still exists and some of that good will come their way. Thus focus and hope are wonderful ways to help increase happiness.
Perhaps this is one reason why people who believe in a benevolent God, forgiveness, and heaven tend to be happier. If they have been good, and truly feel remorse for their wrong doing they have a chance of being rewarded in the afterlife. Even if God does not exist, thinking this way helps those who believe have a better life and be happier.
I totally agree with what you have written here. It is unfortunate people are more about themselves these days.
Just stay in the “RIGHT NOW” and it’s easy to be happy. Living in the past, for me, is pure BS and brings nothing but pain. To be quite honest, the reason I’m happy is because I love myself enough to want to be happy. I stay in the “RIGHT NOW” and find joy in it. For myself this comes natural. I don’t enjoy being around negative people.