Coffee is a kickstarter for many. Without it, most of us cannot start our day. Coffee tastes excellent and provides a burst of energy, warmth and comfort. Apart from this, coffee offers numerous health benefits.
Coffee boosts metabolism. If you’re working out or undergoing a strenuous exercising regime, then drinking coffee will help increase your energy level and metabolism. Caffeine present in coffee does the trick. A recent study – Journal of Applied Physiology – shares that endurance athletes consuming coffee experience 66% boost in their muscle glycogen level, which aids them to use stored energy.
Drinking coffee increases happiness quotient in life. Researchers from the Harvard Public School of Health have conducted a study recently. In this study, they found that people who drank more than two cups of coffee daily, had 50% lower chances of getting suicidal in comparison to those who consume less amount or no coffee. Coffee consists of antioxidants, manganese, potassium, vitamins like B1, B2, B3, and B5. These nutrients help in boosting happiness and similar feeling.
Coffee consumption enhances brain health. Its use helps in reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and dementia by 65%.
Consuming coffee reduces the risk of skin cancer. Adults who drink more than 2 cups of coffee daily have a lower risk of getting a diagnosis with malignant melanoma. Coffee provides protection against skin cancer because it contains phytochemicals and antioxidants.
Drinking coffee reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Increasing coffee consumption lowers 11% risk of getting diagnosed with type II diabetes.
Coffee is the ‘demon drink’
coffee drinkers have become too smug about their addiction to caffeine…which artificially increases heart rate and causes a ‘wired’ effect…older people are discouraged from excess coffee by medical authorities.
Rauli Karkulahti Ever hear of decafe?
thank you Jason. Decaf is acknowledgement that caffeine is a problem for some people. It is a good step towards going drug-free. Decaf is not totally caffeine free
To Rauli Karkulahti: Are you speaking from personal experience? You must have had a lot of coffee in your lifetime to be so against coffee. Did you almost die from it?
Lisa Emma . Haha. You have a sense of humour! I haven’t been a coffee drinker for decades, but I do have coffee beans and a percolator for those rare occasions when a visitor requests coffee. My comments offer an alternative point of view for people who have never considered trying a more relaxed physiological experience.
Industrial strength espresso is an important part of my day!
I drinlk too much. Two a day’s a good amount. God, it’s nice, though. I think I’ll go and have my bedtime one now.