Teachers are the building blocks of our civilization as the future of the world is under their guidance. We always seem to keep them on a pedestal, but at the end of the day, they are mere humans like us.
So don’t be too shocked when you read these surprising confessions by teachers.
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#1. Many of them are constantly taken unaware by the amount of stupidity their students are capable of.
#2. Teachers should be unbiased and think of all their students as equal, but they definitely have their favorites.
#3. Some teachers like to mix things up as well. One teacher confessed to being in an open bisexual marriage with her student.
#4. Another confessed about hating her job as a special needs teacher. And we thought they were angels.
#5. A teacher who was given an apple by her student used it smoke marijuana.
#6. A teacher who teaches kindergarten is in a habit of blaming her farts on her students.
#7. This teacher has found the perfect solution for handling lectures while hungover. He turns them into movie days.
#8. Some person who teaches 3rd grade doesn’t shy away from flipping off his young students.
#9. Motivations such as ‘You can do better’ come more from habit than actual intent.
#10. Teachers ship students too and sometimes put them in the same group for the fun of it.
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#11. Some of them are biased and grade children according to how much they like them.
#12. This one teacher couldn’t care less about the personal lives of their students.
#13. And many, though not all of them positively hate their charges.
#14. Some teachers just mark the papers randomly without even giving them a read. Handwriting and past record of the students are the parameters they pick and somehow get away with it.
#15. Others just throw them straight in the bins and give grades at random.
#16. Nearly all the teachers hate interacting with the parents.
#17. Some are not even sure if they are the right choice to guide the next generation.
#18. Many professors bring up non-existent meetings when they don’t feel like taking a class.
#19. There are not all bad things about these confessions though. One teacher finally explained why they assign groups themselves. This is so that every student gets picked up, even the less popular ones.
#20. Some teachers dread the end of holidays and back to school days much more than their students.
#21. Even though teachers teach students not to cheat, but they have no qualms while doing it themselves. Not many invest much time and energy while making their lesson plans.