20 Photos From Social Media To Demonstrate That Humanity Is Not Lost.
The last walk together.
A girl sells plush toys and gives money to a stray animal shelter.A man saves a kitten from drowning with his umbrella.A wall to donate your clothes to get the homeless.Cyclist stops to give water to a very thirsty koala.Elves Christmas surprise homeless with gifts and food.Every Sunday this hairdresser in New York mows homeless.The Jacqueline Kiplimo helps an athlete with a disability in the marathon and finishing second.Teenager in Bulgaria saves a stray dog not to drown in the icy lake.Workers in Memphis wearing superhero costumes to entertain children hospital.Two men save a lamb from drowning in the ocean.This homeless read the same book and then a kindly passerby gave the Kindle’s.This girl paints rainbows and distributes them to passersby to elevate their mood.The Mark Bresiano helps one of the mascots children in 2014 World Soccer Championship.The Krishnan Was winning chef quit his job to feeding the homeless and people with disabilities.Fans holding a disabled friend in concert in Moscow.Free cleaning services for unemployed.Man gives extra tickets to two children instead of selling them.No one appeared at the party autistic boy. The mother asked for help on Facebook and these amazing firefighters came, policemen and some kids from the neighborhood.Soldier in Korea saves a kitten.