Nobody likes getting old. But it is an inevitable phenomenon, and everyone has to get on with it. Although people cannot stop from getting old, they sure can resist their age and won time.
According to scientific researches, if you live a healthy and happy lifestyle, you stay young for a long period of time. Also, some people have this elixir of remaining young and smart in their genes. It is so hard to tell their age just by looking at them.
Here’s the list of people who are more than 50 years old giving people in their 20s and 30s a run for their money. These people resist their age. See for yourself!
Whang-od Oggay

This lady is 103 years old. She is world famous for her tattoo art.
Tao Porchon – Lynch

She is 101 years old. She discovered yoga when she was just an 8-year-old along with great Indian yogis like Iyenger and Sri Aurobindo. So now we know the secret of her eternal youth!
Robert Marchand

This 108 years old man has been almost everything professionally. Initially a firefighter in 1930s, he then shifted to being a lorry driver, sugar-cane planter, lumberjack, gardener, and wine dealer. Finally he became a centenarian cyclist, and still is one.
Tatyana Nekludova

She is a 63-year-old model. Yes, you heard it right! A model!
Marjorie Gilbert

She is a fabulous 104 years old lady.
Eveline Hall

Aged 74 she is an East German model.
Chuando Tan

This man has the key to the fountain of youth and health. Aged 53, he still has the perfect abs and a healthy body to die for.
Veruschka von Lehndorff

She is a 6 ft tall German model who is 80-year-old and still working.
Julia Hawkins

Hawkins is a cyclist who is still training for Senior Olympics even though she is 104-years-old.
Ivan Petkov

Aged 55, he looks like he is in his 30s with his defined cheekbones.
Jim Arrington

Aged 88, he is the world’s oldest bodybuilder.
Ron Jack Foley

He is a 51-year-old model with the body of a 20-year-old.
Phillipe Dumas
Aged 79, with a nicely maintained beard and moustache, Dumas looks nowhere near his age.
Yazemeenah Rossi

This lady with her sculpted body doesn’t look like someone who is 64years old.
Ernestine Shepherd

She is an 83-year-old American bodybuilder.
Lauren Hutton

Aged 76, she is an American actress and model.
Maye Musk

Mother of Elon Musk, she is a 71-year-old Canadian model.
Anthony Varrecchia

He is a 56-year-old model.
Alessandro Manfredini

Famous for his beard, Manfredini doesn’t look like a 51-year-old at all.
Wang Deshun

Aged 83, Deshun is a Chinese model.