Below you will read 12 one line stories. Each one of them contains so much humanity and so many feelings that have the power to stimulate and inspire us. We hope you read them and make you think and realize the meaning of these stories.
These one line stories will stack in your head forever!
1. Why don’t you trust me, she typed and send it to both the guys.

2. Wrong number, said a familiar voice.

3. 20 years of his life, he kept worrying about how much taller he was than all the boys, and it took him 2 months to fall in love with a girl on a wheelchair.

4. He asked _Are you Hindu or Muslim Response came, I am hungry, sir.

5. He stared at it, as it slowly burned his fingers, but that was after it had burnt his marriage, his future, and his lungs.

6. Her coffee was getting cold as she waited for him to miss her. While his cigarettes were running one after another trying to forget her.

7. I traveled around the world for a year and only felt lost once I arrived home.

8. Man and God met somewhere; Both exclaimed, My creator!

9. More often than not, I wish that I were dead; but then I get scared thinking – What if you’re not waiting on the other side.

10. My wedding cost $6700 and my divorce cost $16425, both were worth it.

11. The fool didn’t know it was impossible, so he did it.

12. What if after you die, God asks you So, how was heaven.